Gallison and Bonfiglio acessible to non-American listeners ?

It seems that Gallison and Bonfiglio's performances on the chromatic harp are mu
more accessible musically than in the stores. Especially in european stores...

I believe that it could be really interesting to exchange more than technical or
musical points of view (which is already a lot). For instance, it would be great
for us (I mean: chromatic harmonica players) here in France to be able to listen
Gallison or Bonfiglio. And I am sure that diatonic harp players that are not
living in the States would love to discover some american ``local'' artists, not
only by reading: `` Waaowww !! I heard him last week in Chicago, in a club locat
at the intersection of the nth street and the pth avenue. He's grrrreat !! ''.

On the other hand, some french harmonicists are probably really unknown in other
European countries and on other continents. Well... I must admit that they are
not so famous even in France, except for the minority of harp players ;-). And
in every country, there exist such artists that could bring a lot to harp player
or listeners from the whole world.

Are some of you interested in exchanging musical recordings (on video or audio
tapes, maybe directly through the network if techncally possible) ? Do you
have an idea of how this mailing server could help in organizing such exchanges
Is this idea completely stupid ?

A first possible application: let some people all around the planet enjoy
Gallison's performance on NBC...

Salut !


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