Re: Equipment prices

>It seems as if the price for performance battle would be won hands down 
>by the Silvertones that have been so glowingly reviewed by both Tim Moody 
>and Bernie Clarke.  I seem to recall that the models that got all the 
>attention were single 12" speakers with a dual 6V6 output section in a 
>combo cabinet.  We're talking less than $100.00 here.  Available used in 
>your finer local area pawn stores, yard sales, and low rent music 
>stores.  A new pignose (rkts amp of choice) is over $75.00 these days.  
>ps to rkt how's the Kraco delay unit holding up?  FJM
Still glowing too. Everytime I play that Model 1301 Silvertone someone tells 
me how good I sound. It's much better than, "You're playing thru a Twin?"


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