[Harp-L] New: Hohner "Piedmont Blues" set/Darrell Mansfield/Sam Myers

John Watts of C2C posted about this on harptalk the other day. Has anyone tried the Hohner "Piedmont Blues" set yet? I suppose you couldn't expect much for the price, especially with the case included. However, I would hope they are better cheap harp's than the Johnson's. That and the 7 key availability. Would appreciate any reviews in the future.

Anyone have any comments on Darrell Mansfield? I saw his cd's in the Harp House catalog and checked out his website. However, dial up hell didn't permit me the time to d/l any audo samples.

Finally bought Sam Myers "Old School" cd. Great stuff. Love that sound. Happy (belated) Birthday, Sam! Now, if I can get out to see Anson this Summer, will he blow more harp this time?

Bry (Indiana)

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