[Harp-L] Subject: Re: Cleaning ritual for harmonicas/emailed Offlist

Hi Marianne and Rene:
I should add that the ritual does change depending upon whether or not the  
harmonica is new,  diatonic or chromatic, and just how dirty it starts  off.  
If a new harmonica I've played only a few times, I still wipe down  with the 
91% Isopropyl Alcohol, or the packaged alcohol wipes I always  carry with me.  
I'll wrap an orange stick in one and clean the mouthpiece  that way too...then 
allow to air dry thoroughly.  Bobbie Giordano wrote  here about the need to 
keep the slide open halfway  - inserting a  matchstick I believe, or something 
else solid enough (I use the same orange  stick) to allow the entire 
mouthpiece/slide to dry thoroughly.  Moisture is  any harp's worst enemy...as well as 
lint, bits of food, cat hair (my personal  problem :)
Other folks swear by denture cleaners, toothpaste (many hate the taste of  
the alcohol, though it doesn't bother me...I honestly don't notice it after a  
minute or two of playing) and a lot of people here use water to clean their  
harmonicas...though I've only wiped down the mouthpiece with a damp cloth  
occasionally, never have soaked them and just can't imagine doing so ...unless  it 
was to flatten out a windsaver in the sonic jewelry cleaner....and of course  
never any harmonica with a wooden comb.  Using my "ritual" feels right for  
me...and that's what's going to eventually decide your cleaning style....you'll  
try different things until you hit on the one system that feels correct for  
you.  Trust your instincts.
Good luck!

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