[Harp-L] Beeswax Sealing and Customizing Marine Bands

I am interested in post mentioned below by Tim about
Marine Band customizing, especially the how-to of
wooden comb sealing, but can't get the link in his
post to work for me (I get the message "404 file not
found"). Could someone post this information or a link
to the ealier posting that works.

Thanks, Delmar

Vergil Mueller wrote:
> I have been searching the harp-l archives for an
article that I 
> found one time about customizing MB harps.  It was a
long post, 
> and gave step-by-step directions on how to make a
> good compression Marine band Harps.  I can't
remember who it was 
> by, but I remember he suggested using a
mini-crockpot to heat the 
> wax in (a very safe way to melt beeswax, I might


This is a 2001 re-post of Magic Dave Therault's
original 1998 post.


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