[Harp-L] old, because I needed to figure it out

Jason Rosenblatt wrote:

"I do however still feel with advancements in diatonic harmonica construction and practice there will be someone (other than Howard) who will successfully pull off a meaningful performance of Body and Soul that jazz fans can appreciate."

First, I know a lot of people who could. Probably even Howard. Most likely it's only if they used a radical, little known and esoteric technique only a very few have ever discovered. Switch harps. It's not hard, it's quite simple, and you can do it without even thinking. Instead of forcing both keys to lay badly on a single harp, you can have each lay smoothly and evenly on a different harp. Hell, develop this technique enough and you can actually get to the level where you can play lines which criss-cross between the two harps without anyone noticing that you're doing it (ie, play a chromatic scale using only natural notes on two harps, say C and C# and have it sound smooth and even).

And no, I haven't developed it to that level. I plan on getting better at harp-switching, but I doubt I'll ever get to that level, but I'm told it does exist and is the most common way of playing harp in East Asia. Take two, three or even more harps and switch across them as the line demands, not just when the song changes keys. But for simple key-signature or even modal changes, a basic one-out-one- in switch is very simple.

As for the technical construction part, I had to think long and hard to figure out what you meant, then I finally got it. You mean a technical advancement which would allow you to play all the notes of the chromatic scale with the same intonation, phrasing and timbre. You know, a chromatic harmonica.

Wait-a-minute. I seem to recall such a thing may have actually been invented by someone, sometime...Maybe I'm just imagining it.

 ()()    JR "Bulldogge" Ross
()  ()   & Snuffy, too:)

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