What I envision is a spah sponsored site that will enable anyone to upload photos and share them. I envision it somewhat similar to WIKPEDIA...........where anyone can log into to anyones photos and label and name them, with accompanying memories, etc.

The reason i chose kodakshare is due to the following......I was able to----------

1) upload hundreds of photos in one batch with only one or two mouse clicks

2) easy to use, easy to share

3) free




here is my uploaded 111 photos of spah 2007. It took me a grand total of five minutes to register and upload!!!!!!

also, I spoke to grace and dennis fischette. She took over 1300 photos and she is sending me the disc. I will be happy to upload these photos to kodak or any other website if someone wishes to take the initiative to set up a photo sharing site that fullfills the above three requirements.

any help would be appreciated as long as the above three requirements are met.

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