Re: [Harp-L] SPAH 09

There is an admission fee of around $100 - 150, you can also choose to
buy the banquet meal, well worth the fun at around $35 and SPAH
membership is around $25.  These are estimates.  Most of the seminars
are not extra but I believe there are a few in the old style harmonica
band seminars that cost, probably to cover the printing of copies.

I would think about airfare, splitting the hotel fare with a roommate
easily found thru harp-l, food, harp toys (CD's, equipment) and the
above mentioned.  Probably between $800 and $1200.
Michael Rubin

On 3/20/09, Don  Walstad <dwalstad@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I have never been to one an I'm trying to calculate the expense's. Is there
> an admission fee and do the class's cost extra?
> Thanks
> Don
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