[Harp-L] minor 7th chord in bar 3

Charlie Parker used to put the relative minor7 (d minor7 in the key of F) in
the 3rd bar of his blues. Chords are there to harmonize with the melody.
While he's not Charlie Parker, for an example of a harmonica player doing
just fine with a modified blues chord progression listen to Thom Doucette
playing Stormy Monday on the Allman Brothers Live at the Fillmore.

Some people want a little more harmonic interest in their music--not the
same dominant chord repeated for 4 bars. There's another school of
thought--the old John Lee Hooker, Howling Wolf school, where there are no
chord progressions--just a riff. Though it would be interesting to hear how
a jazz musician would harmonize those old tunes.

For a few blues chord progressions:

Rainbow Jimmy

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