[Harp-L] Re: Special 20 mods

Hi, my first post! 
I too have been recommended Richard Sleigh's book, now as I too am in Australia 
I can pass on to you that Neil Graham is a Harp Customiser and if you check 
Richards website below he recommends contacting Neil to get a copy of his book.

Neils web site is http://www.neilgraham.com.au/ I believe he has worked with 
the likes of Joe Filisko,he seems fairly helpfull.  Have fun.

> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2012 06:25:56 -0800 (PST)
> From: Mike Fugazzi <mikefugazzi@xxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: [Harp-L] Re: Special 20 mods
> To: harp-l@xxxxxxxxxx
> Message-ID:
> 	<4239d0ca-c2cd-4fd4-be00-827b3949a0cb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> I highly recommend the following:
> Richard Sleigh's book, "Turbo Charge Your Harmonica" -
> http://customharmonicas.com/r-sleigh/
> and
> Rupert Oysler's DVD - http://www.harprepair.com/
> IMO, both are easily worth the money and then some.  Reed profiling is
> by far the most useful customizing skill and both of these resources
> cover it in great detail.  That more than just about anything else
> will help you get a better harp.  The DVD also goes into repair, which
> will help you maintain your harps.  There are only two real cons when
> starting this part of your harmonica journey.  1.) Practice 2.) Start-
> up costs
> You don't have to buy a bunch of pro gear to start tweaking, but once
> you get beyond some gapping and maybe embossing, you'll need the tools
> to tune, flat sand, and clean.  Most the basic stuff is cheap, but you
> end up buying enough that it really adds up, lol.
> Kinya Pollard's resources from www.harmonicasessions.com are great
> too.  They will give you good advice and great resources for tools.  I
> can't say enough about how much the book and DVD are worth the money,
> especially for someone just starting out.
> On Feb 21, 12:59 am, Mike Best <mike.b...@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > I find the concept of harp modifications fascinating, and I especially like
> the idea of mods which can make my harps more responsive.  I hate it when I
> buy a new harp and it comes out of the box all "mushy".  Sometimes I can
> improve it by pushing the offending reeds closer to the reed plate, but it's
> a pretty hit-and-miss process.
> >
> > Rather than trawling through the internet picking up tips here and there,
> can anyone point me towards an article or site which covers such mysterious
> things as gapping and embossing?  I play Special 20's exclusively if that's
> any help
> >
> > On the subject of Special 20 mods, I've heard that people squash in the
> back edges of the cover plates which has the effect of opening up the back of
> the harp and "letting more sound out", thereby making a louder harp.  But
> having a louder harp would mean that I wouldn't need to turn my amp up so
> much, and my '59 Bassman RI doesn't sound any good unless it is cranked up to
> about 6 or so (and that's with low gain preamp tubes).  So maybe this mod
> isn't such a good idea after all?  I would be interested in hearing others
> thoughts on this.
> >
> > I would love to deal directly with a custom harp modifier but I don't know
> of any here in Australia!
> >
> > Cheers
> > Mike

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