Re: Subject [Harp-l] Chromatic vis-a-vis Diatonic harps

Absolutely agree! In fact you're another stellar player  of both.
I have Pablo's CD from his first SPAH appearance (about 4? years ago) with  
Ted Falcon...excellent young musician(s).
here's a vid from a song off that album showing Pablo switching part-way  
through to a diatonic then back....very cool tune 'Solamente' (written by Ted 
Phil (Caltabellotta) is another multi-harmonica player who utilizes a  
chromatic and diatonic and also a chord harmonica during his HarpBeats  
performances (alternating with George Miklas); plays chord in his Melody  Men trio 
and  chromatics for his jazz performances. I know many other  players who 
carry multi-styles of harmonicas and like them all for their  different sounds 
and capabilities. 
For my part I so enjoyed the sound of the Scottish (Highlander)  tremolos 
played by Donald Black I had to order one for myself since that  'bagpipe' 
sound is what I grew up with.
Seemingly inherent in Sam's original question was the idea that  chromatics 
could be made obsolete - replaced by an  accomplished diatonic player via 
bending (and OB's/OD's?). Hopefully we've  put that fallacy to bed since 
there's simply no way to most people's minds  that a diatonic could play The 
Thais (for example) - no matter how accomplished  the player, to equal Robert's 
performance on the chromatic. (I'm not really  a classical harmonica fan 
since I confess that most players in that  genre other than Robert tend to 
bore me. But HIS playing  is superb - he proved it once again by utterly 
captivating the audience at  the recent Garden State Festival).
 That isn't a put down of the diatonic - I LOVE diatonics for their  own 
unique sound. I've already made my own thoughts clear:  they're simply very 
different sounding instruments -  each works best  for different styles of 
music - and there's space for all.
"Why not Play both!? Check Pablo out, starts on Diatonic then to Chrom and  
the end his amzing Flute Work! The Type of Axe is just a tool, it's the  
Musicianship that makes the difference......playing more than one axe WILL  
make you a better  player....

Rob  Paparozzi"
----- Original Message ----- 
From: <EGS1217@xxxxxxx>
To:  <sjlyons93@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: <harp-l@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday,  January 11, 2012 1:43 PM
Subject: Subject: [Harp-L] Chromatic vis-a-vis  Diatonic harps

> How about: Sound like  this?<G>
>  _
>  (
> (Bonfiglio - Thais  Meditation)
> or this?
>  _
>  (
> (Stevie Wonder  -Alfie)
> or this?
>  _
>  (
> (Toots Thielemanns -  Sophisticated Lady)
> or how about something a bit  more 'home-grown'? -
> a particular friend of mine. The video's a bit  shaky - not sure who 
> it. But the playing's  stellar.
>  _
>  (
> (Phil  Caltabellotta - Mood Indigo)
> When anyone can  play JUST like that on a diatonic utilizing bends, OB's 
and OD's, then you  can perhaps relegate our beloved chromatics to the 
status of  'paperweights'. Until then? We'll keep playing them. For the  record, 
chromatics and diatonics are quite different instruments and a  discerning 
ear can usually tell the difference in sound no matter  how good the 
diatonic player. There are others: tremolo, bass and chord  harmonicas too. 
There's a place for all, and the players who utilize  them.


> "Message: 6
> Date: Tue, 10 Jan  2012 22:57:02 +1100
> From: Sam Lyons <sjlyons93@xxxxxxxxx>
>  Subject: [Harp-L] Chromatic vs. Diatonic harps
> To: _harp-l@xxxxxxxxxxx  (mailto:harp-l@xxxxxxxxxx)
> What does a Chromatic  harmonica do that a Diatonic with sufficient 
proficiency in  bending-for-note techinques can't?
>  Sam.

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