[Harp-L] delayed posts, here's how to avoid them

owner-harp-l@xxxxx owner-harp-l@xxxxx
Sun Jan 20 13:52:03 EST 2019

If you would like to avoid delays in your posts don't cc a bunch  of
addresses in your posts.  Mass cc's are a trait of many types of spam
postings.  We filter for this. We also filter for post length to stop
people from accidentally reposting an entire digest in a reply.  If your
posts are longer than a digest then they are too long.  Do not compose in
html even if you compose in an acceptable multipart format.  Why?  Because
html is chunky and the size limit holds the post.  Sure, once I approve
the post it gets de-mimed and becomes way smaller than the size limit but
it delays the post.  I guarantee that I log in to harp-l at least once a
day, anything more than that is random.


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